home remedies for you – Remedies Database (2025)

March 2, 2015 / remediesdatabase / Leave a comment

Poison Ivy causes a red, itchyrashcalled allergiccontact dermatitis.

( poison ivy pic credit: http://www.consumeraffairs.com)

The rash is caused by contact with a sticky oil called urushiol found inpoison ivy. You can get the rash from:

  • Touching or brushing against any part of these plants, including the leaves, stems, flowers, berries, and roots, even if the plant is dead.
  • Touching anything that has come in contact with these plants, such as clothing, sporting gear, gardening tools, or pet fur.

( poison ivy rash pic credit: http://www.poison-ivy.org)

The rash is only spread through the oil. You can’t catch a rash from someone else by touching theblisterfluid. A known home remedy that is said to work for this rash is jewelweed which is a plant that has a compound called lawsone which is said to have anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties but our research states otherwise. Jewelweed is a short, three to five foot tall annual plant with oval leaves and trumpet-shaped flowers that hang down from the plant like jewels on a necklace. The flowers on the variety known as Pale Jewelweed are yellow, while those of the Spotted Touch-Me-Not are orange, with dark red dots. All Jewelweed seeds “pop” when touched.Jewelweed grows best in humid woodlands.

( Orange speckled jewelweed & yellow jewelweed pic credit: http://www.hikersnotebook.net)

Our research states that jewelweed can aid is somewhat preventing the development of more rashes but soap is more effective than jewelweed. Studies such as Treatment of poison ivy/oak allergic contact dermatitis with an extract of jewelweed by Long D,Ballentine NH,Marks JG Jr. , Treatment of poison ivy/oak allergic contact dermatitis with an extract of jewelweed by American journal of contact dermatitis : official journal of the American Contact Dermatitis Society, and The effectiveness of jewelweed, Impatiens capensis, the related cultivar I. balsamina and the component, lawsone in preventing post poison ivy exposure contact dermatitis by Abrams Motz V,Bowers CP,Mull Young L,Kinder DH. all disprove the fact that jewelweed works for poison ivy. There could be a chance that is can take some of the pain or help with the itch but overall our research has states that this is a BUST. There are many studies that disprove this claim and little to no studies that back up the claim that jewelweed works for poison ivy. However, we encourage all of you to try it out and see for yourself. It looks as if the orange jewelweed is the only effective jewelweed there is to combat poison ivy but like we said again there are not many studies to prove this claim.

How to apply:

  • Cut the jewelweed and put it in boiling water to produce a dark orange infusion
  • Freeze liquid into ice cubes
  • Rub ice cubes all over affected area.
  • Do this 3-4 times a day

( boiling jewelweed pic credit: http://www.examiner.com)









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March 2, 2015 / remediesdatabase / Leave a comment

Psoriasis is a common skin condition in the United States that is persistent. For those of you with psoriasis Aloe Vera can aid in your condition. Psoriasis causes cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the skin. The extra skin cells form thick, silvery scales and itchy, dry, red patches that are sometimes painful and there may be times when your psoriasis symptoms get better alternating with times your psoriasis worsens.

( pic credit: http://www.healthline.com)

The point of most psoriasis medication is to slow down the growing of cells. Aloe Vera has 3 anti-inflammatory fatty acids that aid in maintaining the itchy, dry, red patches that people with mild to moderate psoriasis get, but since this is a disease it cannot be cured with Aloe Vera just simply put the disease at a state where it can be manageable.

( pic credit: http://www.getsunergentic.com)

Studies such as Evaluation of the antipsoriatic activity of Aloe vera leaf extract using a mouse tail model of psoriasis by Dhanabal SP,Priyanka Dwarampudi L,Muruganantham N,Vadivelan R. and Management of psoriasis with Aloe vera extract in a hydrophilic cream: a placebo-controlled, double-blind study by Syed TA,Ahmad SA,Holt AH,Ahmad SA,Ahmad SH,Afzal M. prove that Aloe Vera helps with the symptoms of psoriasis and even proves that Aloe Vera is better than some steroid medicines that are given to those with psoriasis. The studies also prove there are no adverse effects in using Aloe Vera. Based on research we deem with home remedy as a TRUTH but only for those with mild to moderate psoriasis and to only help with the symptoms not cure psoriasis.

How to Apply:

  • From plant:
    • Cut leaf of Aloe Vera
    • Squeeze or spoon out gel from the inside of the leaf or can use the leaf itself
    • Apply on affected area about 3-4 times a day depending on how quickly affected area becomes dry again.
  • Fromstore bought bottles:
    • It is the exact same way as applying it as if you got it from the plant

(pic credit: betterraw.com)





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February 17, 2015 / remediesdatabase / Leave a comment

( Photo Credit: blog.birchbox.com)

Dry and damaged hair defiantly gets annoying, but with organic extra virgin coconut oil your hair can be saved. Damaged hair can be caused by (info from http://www.webmd.com/beauty/hair-repair/8-ways-youre-damaging-your-hair?page=2):

  1. Bleaching— “Bleaching your hair penetrates the cuticle with chemicals and removes your natural pigment,” Mirmirani says. “You are changing the structure of your hair, making it more susceptible to damage.” Once you bleach, you’ve altered the strength of your hair, making it weaker
  2. Perms— “Perming refers to either a chemical straightening or a chemical curling,” Mirmirani says. “It works by breaking the inner bonds of the hair and re-forming them back together in a different way.” Like bleaching, it weakens your hair, leaving it dull and damaged over time so that instead of luxurious curly locks or shiny straight tresses, your hair looks brittle and dry.
  3. Highlights and coloring— Highlights and semi-permanent dyes aren’t as damaging as bleach, but they aren’t without consequences, Mirmirani says. They can also change the inner structure of the hair, causing a lackluster look and dryness, especially if you frequently color to hide roots or gray hair.
  4. Ponytails and braids— “Ponytails and braids can cause hair to break, especially if your style is pulled tightly,” Mirmirani says. “If you wear it that way every day, permanent hair damage can occur.” Braiding or putting your hair in a ponytail when it’s wet can cause damage sooner because wet hair is more fragile.
  5. Over-brushing— Think 100 strokes a day will make your hair shiny and full? Think again.

“Over-brushing your hair can cause split ends and breakage, with the over-brushing causing just too much consistent friction for hair to handle,” Mirmirani says. Cheap brushes don’t help either, causing snags and tangles that are hard to get out and resulting in broken hair and split ends.

  1. Over-shampooing— “The goal of shampooing is to cleanse the scalp and remove oil buildup on your hair,” Mirmirani says. But over-washing can wash away your hair’s natural moisture that helps your hair look healthy, making your hair dry. Although a significant amount of research has gone into making shampoos beneficial for your hair, you can still get too much of a good thing.
  2. Extensions and weaves— Extensions and weaves are a lot like ponytails and braids. Over time, they can leave hair broken and brittle. The difference is the damage is at the roots where it is harder to cut out.

A longer term aid in reviving your damaged hair is organic extra virgin coconut oil. The reason for using organic extra virgin is to ensure you are not putting any added chemicals to your hair so that is does no further damage. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid which has a high affinity for hair protein, and easily penetrates inside the hair shaft, which is due to its low molecular weight. I have used this ever since I was in middle school to revive my hair and instead of a massive tangled frizz, I now have a tamed head of hair that does not frizz as much as it used to. Studies such as Hair breakage index: an alternative tool for damage assessment of human hair by Mhaskar S, Kalghatgi B, Chavan M, Rout S., Gode V.and Effect of mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage by Rele AS, Mohile RB prove that coconut oil prevents and aids in repairing damaged hair. Based on extensive research and personal experience we deem this remedy as a TRUTH, however only do this once a month or your hair may get too oily if you over do it.

Instructions On Applying Coconut Oil To Your Hair:

  1. Get extra virgin coconut oil
  2. Wear a shirt that you don’t care will get dirty because the oil can get everywhere because it may drip.
  3. Rub the oil in between your hand until it liquefies then rub the oil all over your hair and massage the oil into your scalp.
  4. Put a towel around your shoulders, then twist your hair into your towel (if you have a turbie twist towel that works as well.)- You can also just put your hair into a plastic bag then tie the handles at the top of your head if you do not want to get your towel dirty.
  5. Leave the oil in for 45 minutes to an hour.
  6. After wash the oil out by showering and doing your usual routine in the shower.
  7. Then you are done, ONLY DO THIS ONCE A MONTH!

Have you tried using coconut oil repairing your hair?






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February 13, 2015 / remediesdatabase / Leave a comment

( Pic Credit:www.americansweets.co.uk)

If you have heartburn then chewing sugar-free gum is the remedy for you. Heartburn is a burning pain in your chest and this pain usually worsen when you’re lying down or bending over. Occasional heartburn is normal but frequent ones or heartburn that interfere with your daily life needs to be brought to the attention of a doctor. The cause of heartburn is due to when stomach acid backs up into the tube that carries food from your moth to your stomach. This remedy will only work if you have occasional heartburn. Symptoms are (info from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heartburn/basics/symptoms/con-20019545):

  • Heartburn occurs more than twice a week
  • Symptoms persist despite use of over-the-counter medications
  • You have difficulty swallowing
  • You have persistent nausea or vomiting
  • You have weight loss because of poor appetite or difficulty eating

Based on extensive research this home remedy is a TRUTH, but only for sugar-free gum & chewing after a meal. The reason is because sugary gum may damage tooth enamel & increase cavities. However, sugar-less gum prevents damage and cavities to the teeth plus has bicarbonate in the gum which increases salivary bicarbonate, making saliva more alkaline and helping to prevent reflux. Studies such as The effect of chewing sugar-free gum on gastro-esophageal reflux by Moazzez R, Bartlett D, Anggiansah A and Effects of gum chewing on pharyngeal and esophageal pH by Smoak BR, Koufman JA prove that chewing sugar-free gum aid is decreasing the symptoms of heartburn and preventing heartburn. So overall based on research this remedy is a TRUTH and worth a try for those how have heartburn.

Have you tired chewing sugar-free gum for heart?







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February 12, 2015 / remediesdatabase / Leave a comment

(Pic credit: http://www.wikihow.com/Prevent-Acne-Using-Baking-Soda-and-Milk-of-Magnesia)

Baking soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate, has been used for many years in beauty and health products such as deodorant, toothpaste, and acne removal. Baking soda can also be used as a bath, shampoo, and to relieve sunburns.

Baking soda is amphoteric. This means that it could either be a base or an acid. This allows it to correct the pH imbalance of the skin that creates acne. Baking soda has mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that enable it to lessen the irritation caused by inflamed acne. Baking soda may over-dry your skin and that is why you need to moisturizer soon after. You may experience burning or stinging, dryness or/and itchy sensations. Results may vary among users. For some users, baking soda is the best thing since sliced bread. For others, it couldn’t be any worse. Either way, you should be careful when using baking soda because it may cause uncomfortable sensations such as burning and stinging. To be on the safe side, you should test it with your hands before using it. Baking soda is suitable for your daily use. However, if your skin is very sensitive, avoid using it regularly.

Here are some reviews from a few users:

“Last night I used this to get rid of acne marks, I left it on for only about 15 minutes because it was burning so much. I woke up this morning with two huge burns and a couple small ones. They have been oozing and stinging nonstop. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone. Use a product that’s actually meant to be put on your face.”

“Tried so many over the counter washes and acne treatments and nothing seemed to ever work!!!!I have very oily skin and still broke. Out at 28 with acne, tried making baking soda face masks by just adding a bit of water to a handful of baking soda. It seriously works better than anything, keeps my skin from being an oil slick all the time somehow. A bit too much to scrub your face with, irritates mine that way. But wetting my face a few times a week and doing the mask is amazing, took a lot of redness away also!!!!Try it!!!!”

In conclusion, baking soda for acne is both TRUTH and MYTH, depending on your skin type.




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February 12, 2015 / remediesdatabase / Leave a comment

( Pic credit: howtogetrid.org)

Toothpastecontains certain ingredients such as baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, menthol, essential oils,andtriclosanthat cause pimples to dry out. Triclosan is an antibacterial ingredient often added to personal care items like soap, deodorant, and body wash. Triclosan is well known for being able to kill bacteria and is also found in acne treatments. Unlike real acne treatments, the mixture of these ingredients can also cause over drying of the face, especially in sensitive areas such as your cheeks. While many people use toothpaste as a quick solution of pimples, toothpaste is made for teeth, not skin. It does not have any moisturizers in it to reduce the irritation caused by toothpaste which causes redness and peeling.

To prove this we experimented ourselves using toothpaste to dry out acne and here is what we found:

“After using toothpaste for about a week on some of the acne on my cheecks and forhead, I decided to completely stop all together. My face was getting dry and itchy. It became incomfortable and I was afraid if I covered it with makeup, it would only get worse. I had to moisturize every night and still it wasn’t working. Yes, it did dry out my pimples and they disapeared, but the end product was red,uncomfortable, and itchy.”

If you want a similar acne treatment that dries out the pimples but doesn’t dry your face, an amazing and inexpensive way to treat acne is buying over-the-counter benzoyl peroxide. It of often comes in either a face lotion or a face wash.


Truth: Does dry out pimples, but it is not worth the drying of the face.





Twitter: https://twitter.com/RemedyDatabase

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Email: remediesdatabase@gmail.com

February 9, 2015 / remediesdatabase / Leave a comment

( Photo credit: http://www.lifehack.org)

Ginger is a root plant that for years Asians have been using for its herbal healing powers, which involve helping with nausea. In my experience ginger has helped with my nausea when I have motion sickness, within a matter of minutes my nausea decreases when eating ginger or drinking ginger tea. Nausea is the unpleasant feeling when you are about to vomit and this is caused by:

  • Overeating
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Prescription and nonprescription drugs
  • Food poisoning
  • Viral infections
  • Fear or other strong emotions
  • Early pregnancy
  • Motion sickness, such as being seasick or carsick
  • Chemical toxins in the environment
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Intense pain
  • Migraine headache
  • Disgusting smells

(Credit to: http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/understanding-nausea-vomiting-basics)

Ginger contains compounds called gingerols that help block serotonin receptors in the stomach; serotonin is a chemical in the body that is associated with vomiting. So just like anti-nausea medication, ginger root has the ability to help with nausea. Studies such as Efficacy of ginger for nausea and vomiting: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials by Department of Complementary Medicine, School of Postgraduate Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Exeter, UK proves that ginger does a positive effect on people who have nausea. So based on our personal experience and research we deem this remedy as a TRUTH. Doctors recommend, “…steeping 1 to 2 grams of fresh ginger root (1 gram is about the size of a quarter) in boiling water to make a tea or eating about 2 teaspoons of candied ginger. Don’t go overboard, Doctors warn: consuming more than 6 grams of ginger in one sitting can irritate the stomach…” (http://www.eatingwell.com/nutrition_health/nutrition_news_information/5_home_remedies_for_common_ailments?page=4)








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February 4, 2015February 4, 2015 / remediesdatabase / Leave a comment

( Picture credit: store.sunsweet.com)

People all over the world suffer from constipation, but based on research and personal experience prune juice can relive an individual from constipation. Personally I love this method to relieve prune juice, prune juice is an amazing source of fiber which allows your body to digest the food faster and process it out of your body more quickly. When I had constipation I drank prune juice about 2x a day daily to have continuous relief from constipation and it works pretty quickly. So based on my personally experience I highly recommend those of you with constipation try this method out. Let us move on to research and what constipation is. Constipation is when bowel movements decrease or become difficult to pass. The normal range of bowel movement ranges from person to person, some have movement as short as 3 times a day to as long only 2x a week. After 3 days of having no bowel movement you might need to consider drinking some prune juice because 3 days without any bowel movement is too long. The feces start to harden and become more difficult top pass the longer it takes for your body to have a bowel movement. “You are considered constipated if you have two or more of the following for at least 3 months:

  • Straining during a bowel movement more than 25% of the time
  • Hard stools more than 25% of the time
  • Incomplete evacuation more than 25% of the time
  • Two or fewer bowel movements in a week”(Digestive Disorders Health Center)

At that movement when you realize you are constipated, that’s the time when you might consider drinking prune juice daily to relieve you of constipation. Prune juice contains 6.1g of dietary fiber and contains sorbitol (has a laxative effect on the body) which enables prune juice to act as a natural laxative to relieve you of constipation, laxative just means the protein helps loosens your stools. The dietary fiber enables your stools to be enlarges (easier for your body to pass) and softens the stools. Studies such as Chemical composition and potential health effects of prunes: a functional food? By Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. and Randomized clinical trial: dried plums (prunes) vs. psyllium for constipation by A. Attaluri,R. Donahoe,J. Valestin,K. Brown and S. S. C. Rao prove that prove juice actually relieve people of constipation. This method is defiantly a truth, however, if you have any digestive problems or are taking medication for constipation please consult your doctor about how much prune juice day to day you need to take for the desired effect because it may cause diarrhea if you do not take the correct amount. For those of you that do not have any digestive problems or do not take any medication for constipation the recommended daily intake of prune juice is 120 ml. Start at that point and drink less or more depending on desired effect.

Have you tried prune juice for constipation?








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February 2, 2015February 4, 2015 / remediesdatabase / Leave a comment

Lorena and I have had some serious menstrual cramps before that would leave us in tears. A surprising fix that MAY NOT DECREASE (not curing) this pain is eating bananas. Now let’s start off with what causes menstrual cramps. Menstrual cramps are caused by the contraction of the uterus and sometimes the uterus contracts too strongly that it presses against nearby blood vessels. The pain is caused by a muscle briefly losing oxygen (uterus contracts too much, muscle does not get enough oxygen). Bananas are an amazing source of potassium, low-level of potassium can happen in women during in their menstrual cycle due to imbalance in their body. The low-level of potassium CAN contribute to the muscle pain and what better food to eat to help get your potassium up is a banana, the king of potassium. Even though severalblogs and personal experiences state that bananas DO help decrease the pain of menstrual cramps, I have had no such luck. I have tried to constantly eat bananas during my time of horror but to no avail the pain did not lessen at all. This is only my personal experience but our research state that there has been no studies that specifically state that bananas help reduce the pain of menstrual cramps. There are several studies (Diets for Constipation by Department of Pediatrics, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.) that state bananas are great for constipation and other remedies but we have not found any studies that prove bananas help reduce menstrual pain. So based on our experience and information this remedy to an extent is a BUST but for some it may work. There have been cases that women experience low-level of potassium and the pain DOES NOT decreasewhen these women eat the bananas but this does not work on everyone only a fair few. So overall it is a BUST but to those that are the exception it may help out. You’re all welcomed to try this remedy but be WARNED, our research shows it only helps a fair few.

Have you tried eating bananas to relieve your menstrual pain?






Instagram: remediesdatabase

Email: remediesdatabase@gmail.com

February 1, 2015February 4, 2015 / remediesdatabase / Leave a comment

Eczema is a nasty skin condition that is dry and itchy. Our blog however has found a Truth behind a home remedy for eczema which is coconut oil. Coconut oil is extracted by drying the “meat” of the coconut then the oil is pressed out of the dried coconut. However, you cannot just buy any coconut oil you must but extra virgin organic coconut oil and that is because if it is not organic there are many chemicals that are put in to process regular coconut oil that are harsh for your skin and may make your condition worse. Our blog has researched that the lauric acid in coconut oil has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help the skin heal and fight the infection. Not only does coconut oil help fight the infection but moisturizesyour skin! BE WARNED!!!! Those of you that have very dry skin there has been some people on the internet that have stated that the coconut oil does not penetrate deeply enough for those who have very dry skin. Dry skin people you may try this remedy but if your skin is super dry, it may take a while to see improvements. Other than that studies such as “A randomized double-blind controlled trial comparing extra virgin coconut oil with mineral oil as a moisturizer for mild to moderate xerosis by Department of Dermatology in Makati Medical Center, Makati City, Philippines.” And “Novel antibacterial and emollient effects of coconut and virgin olive oils in adult atopic dermatitis by Skin and Cancer Foundation, Pasig, Philippines” have done experiments that effectively show that coconut oil helps fight eczema. Our research shows that those with severs cases of eczema should not only put it on their rash but also eat it by putting in drinks, food, cereal, etc because coconut oil have vitamins ( vitamin E, vitamin K, and minerals such as iron) that improve overall health and boost the immune system. If you have eczema or a family member has some form of eczema try this out and see how it turns out.

Have any of you guys tried coconut oil for eczema?









Instagram: remediesdatabase

Email: remediesdatabase@gmail.com

home remedies for you – Remedies Database (2025)


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